by Scott Bird | Feb 12, 2006 | Strength Training Equipment
Just noticed a new (well, new to me) gripper over on the Ironmind site – the unusual-sounding IMTUG. This is designed to train not only crushing grip (ala the CoC) but also pinch grip. A chart on the site compares the strengths of the two ranges. Anyone tried...
by Scott Bird | Feb 10, 2006 | workouts
Having wasted almost 30 minutes searching for a rather unloved pair of CoC grippers, I embarked on a brief workout that certainly got the heart beating. More searching later. Push-up 3×10@bw Push-up (fingertip, feet elevated to knee height) 2×10@bw Hammer...
by Scott Bird | Jan 23, 2006 | routines
I’ve decided to switch to a hypertrophy routine for a couple of months, with the intention of increasing muscle a bit ready for some PR-breaking. Using 12-rep sets (apart from warmups) seems to be doing the trick right now – I’ll adjust this as...
by Scott Bird | May 29, 2005 | routines, workouts
For the next few weeks I’ll be operating as a tourist guide, showing my parents some of the UK. The combination of castles, ruined cathedrals and summer sun proved too tempting (photo ops abound). So it looks like a bit of bodyweight conditioning for a while....
by Scott Bird | Apr 1, 2005 | Articles
After coming across an article on T-nation the other day discussing ‘Hardcore Home Training’ I decided to have another look at my own setup. Just to get an idea of the stuff I use (I realise it looks a little cramped, but not all of the equipment is in...
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