Straight to the Bar

All Things Strength


Mervyn Sharp

Mervyn Sharp. Via Open Water Swimming : the first swimmer to complete 7 crossings of the English Channel, Mervyn Sharp.

TGIF : weekly round-up (WE Fri 13 Mar 09)

Harness Lift by Thomas Topham.A great week here on Straight to the Bar. The highlights : Articles : Matt took another great look at bodyweight training, Josh discussed the value of the online strength community and John noted the importance of maintaining a good life...

TGIF : weekly round-up (WE Fri 23 Jan 09)

Great after deadlifts. The Log Roll.A great week here on Straight to the Bar. The highlights : Articles : Dan took a great look at the benefits of outdoor training, Parth shared some advanced circuit training techniques and Sam noted the value of Leucine. Good stuff....

Kettlebells and Swimming

UPDATE 23/03/21 : Although the video embedded below was available when this post was written, it’s no longer with us. Apologies for that. If you want to make sure you’re always kept in the loop when we put new content on this site, subscribe to the RSS...