by Dean Coulson (Assert Fitness) | Sep 6, 2010 | 30 Days to a Stronger, Fitter, Healthier You, Articles, Favourites
Ready.A lot of people have their own idea about conditioning, the word is pretty generic and as a result conditioning for one person can have a completely different meaning to someone else. Some may class a casual jog as conditioning; however that doesn’t ring...
by Ryan Pitts (StrongerGrip) | May 24, 2010 | 30 Days to a Stronger, Fitter, Healthier You, Articles, Favourites, History of Strength (HoS)
Lawanda – the Iron-Jawed Man Old time feats of strength. Card tearing, phone book ripping, nail and steel bending, nail driving, hammer levering and many more that require specialized training and focus both on mental and physical strength. Why are they old time...
by Al Kavadlo | Apr 18, 2010 | 10 of the Best, 30 Days to a Stronger, Fitter, Healthier You, Articles, Favourites
One-Armed Push-up. The one arm push-up is a classic bad-ass feat of strength. Master this one and you’ll not only impress your friends at parties, but more importantly, build monstrous strength in the process.Big muscles are not necessarily the key to performing...
by Rory Hickman | Dec 18, 2008 | video, 30 Days to a Stronger, Fitter, Healthier You, Articles, DIY : Make Your Own Strength-Training Equipment, featured
Rack-Mounted Wrist Roller. The Wrist-Roller is a classic piece of gym equipment, and rightfully so – it’s a great way to strengthen and develop the muscles of the hand, wrist and forearm. The standard model of Wrist-roller involves a short bar connected to...
by 'Unbreakable' Adam Glass | Jun 10, 2008 | 30 Days to a Stronger, Fitter, Healthier You, Articles, Favourites, featured
Adam with a reconfigured #5 Draft Horse Shoe. Nail or spike bending is a true test of strength. You could bench press or squat a ton, and everyone will Monday morning quarter back your form, accuse you of heaving, cheating, not going low enough, using too much gear,...
by 'Unbreakable' Adam Glass | Apr 29, 2008 | 30 Days to a Stronger, Fitter, Healthier You, Articles, exercises, Favourites, Magnificent Seven
Bob ‘Mr Deadlift’ Peoples pulling 680 in about 1949. This is part I of The Investments series for Straight to the Bar. These are what I label critical lifts, important drills and essential exercises. These are exercises I use regularly, and I believe you...
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